Dear Counsel:
A word about “ TESTIMONIALS”:
These testimonials are meant to help you, the lawyers that do not know me , to have confidence that I have the kind of experience and disposition that would make me the right mediator for your case.
However, I would like to address the concern that, as a mediator, I might favor someone who has offered one of the testimonials below: DO NOT WORRY ! Read more
“Dover hails from the …heart of the gold country – and many lawyers said he is, like his adopted hometown, the gold standard among mediators and their first choice to resolve disputes.” – SF Daily Journal 12/12/14
“I have practiced in the area of trusts and estates and elder financial abuse litigation for the past 25 years. I have mediated a great number of cases over the years, and by far Judge Dover stands alone, head and shoulders above the rest. These type of cases are emotionally charged, and quite often personal in nature. Judge Dover has the ability to make the parties feel comfortable and at ease from the onset of the mediation. During the mediation, Judge Dover exercises his great skill, calling upon his years as a judge and a practitioner to assist the parties in resolution of their dispute. Judge Dover is a quick study, and is very adept at assessing the issues in the case, and working with the parties on creative resolutions. Whenever asked whether there is a mediator I can recommend on a case, the first name that rolls off my tongue is Judge Dover. Simply stated he is exceptional and I recommend him without reservation.” – Ed Corey, Esq., Shareholder, Weintraub Tobin, Sacramento
“He is a very judicious, wise man. At the same time, he is able to go brass tacks and calculate numbers and know the issues quickly.” – John Sinclair, Esq., Sinclair Wilson Baldo & Chamberlain of Roseville
“Judge Dover (ret) brings a unique style to mediation. He takes the time to really appreciate the underlying needs of each side, so that he can ultimately call on the participants to evaluate for themselves whether those needs will be met by continued litigation–or by the settlement which may then be under discussion and evaluation. He builds trust and confidence with parties and when appropriate is not shy about offering an evaluative thought on a position that is taken.” James Simon, Esq. Partner Porter Simon, Truckee, CA
” His approach is, I think, to connect on a personal level…You need a good blend of business sense and old fashioned counselor, and he excels at both.” – Maralee Nelder, Esq., Certified Family Law Specialist, Nevada County
“Judge Dover is smart, hard-working and personable. In my experience, as a mediator he will not give up until he either has a settlement or he is positive that all options have been fully explored.” – Douglas Straus, Esq., Partner, Archer Norris in Walnut Creek
“After fully educating the parties on the purposes and advantages of mediation, Judge Dover focuses in on their needs and objectives. He skillfully defuses the emotion from the room and explains what, in the language of negotiation, parties mean through their offers and counter-offers. He then points the litigants to the likely paths to settlement. Judge Dover brings to the process not only the credibility of a respected and seasoned jurist, but a tireless energy directed to conflict resolution.” – Neil Dorfman, Esq. and Debra Sitzberger, Esq., Dorfman and Sitzberger, Offices in Nevada County CA and Seattle, WA.
“Judge Dover has successfully mediated a number of my contested trust, probate and conservatorship cases. These disputes were complex and emotionally charged to the degree that I believed could not be negotiated. However, Judge Dover used his unique skills at communication, empathy, and patience (with tenacity) to break through client and attorney barriers in order to fashion a settlement. Judge Dover offers a transformative mediation process that I would recommend to any dispute, no matter how much you may despair of a settlement. Simply, Judge Dover is a master mediator. “- Dewey Harpainter, Esq., Auburn, CA
“Judge Dover (Ret.) has an uncanny ability to cause the mediation participants to express what is really driving the case from their perspective. In doing so, he rightfully earns their trust and ends up constantly succeeding in getting to the heart of the matter and resolving the case. In short, Al Dover is an excellent mediator. Highest possible rating.” – John Bilheimer, Esq., Haley and Bilheimer, Nevada City, CA
“In addition to his esteemed legal and judicial experience, Judge Dover delivers a profound level of plain humanity to the discussion, raising the probability of an mutually agreeable resolution.” – Timothy Weir, Esq., Partner in Spector Weir, Sacramento, CA
“Judge Dover is an excellent mediator who brings two essential qualities to the mediation process, particularly in emotional, difficult cases. First, with sincerity, trust and humor he successfully encourages the parties to lay down the sword and shield and recognize the benefits to resolution. Second, he then works with the parties to self-identify areas of common ground essential to reach a mediated resolution.” – John Broghammer, Esq., Greve, Clifford, Wengel & Paras, LLP, Sacramento, CA
” We had difficult emotional
issues and difficult personality issues involved, and you did a great job
handling those. I think it’s fair to say that without your skills, it would
have been almost impossible to have resolved this case. It was great
working with you. ” Ralph Collins, Esq., Partner, Reese, Smalley, Wiseman & Schweitzer, LLP, Redding, CA