ADR Profile of Judge Al Dover ( R ) – SF/LA Daily Journal – 12/12/14
“… he is, like his adopted hometown, the gold standard among mediators and their first choice to resolve disputes. ”
” He is a very judicious and wise man. At the same time, he is able to go brass tacks and calculate numbers and know the issues quickly.”
“His approach is connecting on a personal level…You need a good blend of business sense and old fashioned counselor, and he excels at both.”
Anne Meline Service Award -Presented to Judge Al Dover ( R ) by Third District Court of Appeal
In November of 2014 Judge Dover ( R ) was honored by the Third District Court of Appeal with their presentation to him of the Anne Meline Service Award in recognition of his years of outstanding service to the Mediation Program. Judge Dover ( R ) was recognized in part for his contribution as a mediator, where, to date, he has settled 11 of the 15 cases he has been asked to mediate. He was also recognized for his contribution in assisting in the training of other mediators on the Court’s mediation panel.